Why Is It So Important To Avoid Buying Single Stocks And Invest In Mutual Funds Instead?

published on: December 13, 2023 last updated on: May 16, 2024
Why Is It So Important To Avoid Buying Single Stocks And Invest In Mutual Funds Instead?

Why is it so important to avoid buying single stocks and invest in mutual funds instead?Well, investing is an overwhelming and complicated process. There are multiple options for investing, which include bonds, stocks, real estate, and money market accounts. If you are investing on your own, it is up to you to pick up the right kind of investment, monitor the performance, and modify your strategy of investment over time.

However, there is yet another option that investors prefer over investing in stocks. It is investing in mutual funds. While in both cases, you are just investing, mutual funds would help make the investing decisions for you. If you are wondering why someone would want to invest in mutual funds rather than picking up their own stocks, read through the article. You’ll find out the greater benefits that investors get upon investing in mutual funds in comparison to single stocks.

Key Takeaways

  • Mutual funds help pool money together through a group of investors and further invest that capital in numerous securities.
  • Each of these mutual funds has a goal that defines its profile of risk, the objective of investing, and the entire strategy.
  • Mutual funds offer a wide range of holdings in numerous industries or kinds of securities.
  • Investing in mutual funds is one of the most prominent ways to avoid some of the most difficult decisions that you may have to go through with stocks.
  • While mutual funds may still charge you a fee, the trading cost is there all over the mutual fund investors; hence, it lowers the cost for individual.

The Basics Of Mutual Funds

The Basics Of Mutual Funds

Mutual funds pool money together from numerous investors. Then, it further invests that capital in multiple securities like bonds, stocks, and other short term securities. Each of the mutual funds has a varied investment objective. It drives this strategy and the selection of the investments within the funds.

Each of the funds has a money manager who is in charge of the funds. The objective of the manager is to generate income for the investors. He does it by investing in the portfolio assets and protecting the value of the portfolio. Mutual funds may have numerous different securities, which would make them good investment options.

Advantage Of Mutual Funds

Advantage Of Mutual Funds

There are numerous reasons why one would prefer mutual funds over stocks. The basic reasons why anyone would want to go for mutual funds rather than individual stocks are convenience, diversification, and lower costs.

Let us now go through these advantages in detail to have a better understanding of them.


If you ever get to question an investment professional, they will probably be telling you that one of the most prominent ways to reduce risk in your portfolios is by diversifying. Rather than investing in just one organization, investment vehicle, or industry, it is always beneficial to go for multiple options. This would also help you minimize your potential loss. When you have less correlation between all of your stocks, there is a lesser chance of them dropping all at the same time when the industry goes down.

Many professionals agree that the advantages of diversification are generally realized when the portfolio holds the stocks in around twenty different companies. At this point, a big portion of the risk that comes with investing will be diversified away.


There is yet another reason why investors choose mutual funds as a better investment option – convenience. When you decide how you would be allocating the equity of their portfolio, you may defer that decision to an investing professional. Do not buy the shares yourself. Some investors think that purchasing a couple of mutual funds that meet their basic criteria for investments is a lot easier than researching companies that could invest in and purchase their stocks.

Most of the mutual funds also offer investors an easier opportunity to buy into any specific industry. They may also buy stocks that have a specified growth strategy.

Here are some of the examples of the types of mutual funds that are easily accessible:

  • Sector Funds: where you can invest in a company with a certain industry or a portion of the economy.
  • Growth Funds: where you may have your focus on capital appreciation through numerous diverse portfolios of organizations that have demonstrated above the average growth.
  • Value Funds: this is where you may invest in companies that are generally undervalued and are usually held by long-term investors.
  • Index Funds: they allow the investors to track the entire market by formulating a portfolio that tries to match and track any market index.
  • Bond Funds: they generate a monthly income by investing in corporate and government bonds along with other debt investments.


The cost of frequent stock trade may add pretty quickly for an individual investor. Profits that are made from the price appreciation of the stocks may be canceled out due to the costs to contemplate a single sale of the share of an investor for any given company.

With mutual funds, the trading cost is divided among all the investors within the fund. Hence, mutual funds capitalize on the economics of scale and generally result in lower costs for individual than the costs those individuals would have to pay if they made the purchase themselves.

Many popular full time brokerage firms would make their money through these trading costs. And the traders think they are charging them for every sale or purchase that they place.

Most of the online brokers have screeners on their websites for themselves. It would help you find those mutual funds which would best fit your portfolio. You may also search out funds that you can purchase without having to generate any transaction charge or funds charging a low management fee.

The Bottom Line

I hope by now you know why it is so important to avoid buying single stocks and invest in mutual funds instead.

While we all feel like investment is a good option, there are multiple risks involved. Simultaneously, why do you choose to stay with a single portfolio when you can have many?

The more you diversify, the better profits it will generate. I am hoping this article was helpful and will help you make better investment choices.

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upasana sarbajna

Upasana is a budding journalist who has a keen interest in writing. She considers writing as therapeutic and is most confident when she writes. She is passionate about music, movies and fashion. She writes in a way that connects with the audience in a personal level. She is optimistic, fun loving and opinionated.

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