5 ways to Empower Yourself After a Traumatic Event
If you have suffered from medical trauma, it can be hard to regain your self-confidence and move forward, especially if you have symptoms like PTSD, depression, mobility issues, or chronic pain that impact your daily life. But there is help out there and we have five ways you can try to empower yourself after a traumatic event.
1. Know you’re not alone
A medical trauma can be an isolating and difficult experience, but you are not alone. According to The National Council, 70% of American adults have experienced some type of traumatic event. This means that around 223.4 million U.S adults have had to go through trauma, so you might be surprised how many of your friends or family relate to how you are feeling.
2. Make adjustments
It is more than reasonable to make adjustments in order to make your life easier as you recover. Ask family and friends for help, make your home easier to be in, and be honest about your struggles. If possible, find a different healthcare provider so you feel more comfortable and tell them about your situation.
3. Know the symptoms
If you think you are experiencing long term negative effects of trauma, then it’s important to know what signs to look out for. Common symptoms include nightmares, diminished interest in things, depression, angry outbursts, changes in sleep patterns, and headaches. Talk to a professional if you need help dealing with symptoms.
4. Get legal advice
If you think that you have been mistreated by your healthcare provider or suffered due to malpractice, it can be really empowering to take back control and get compensation for what you have gone through. Seeking a healthcare lawyer who can give you advice and understand your situation is a positive step forward.
5. Use affirmations
Affirmations are short, positive phrases you can repeat to yourself when you are feeling anxious or scared. The simple repetition of a positive message can allow you to remember to breathe and focus on something good. Some affirmations you might like to try include: “I am strong and in control” “I am safe and secure” “I inhale confidence. I exhale fear” “I am more than my trauma” “I deserve to be happy” Find which affirmation works for you and practice saying it to yourself so it becomes a positive habit.
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