published on: June 23, 2022 last updated on: November 7, 2023

You’ve invested considerably in your product development. You’ve tested and re-tested it with your target market to ensure it solves the problem it is meant to solve or meets the expectations in terms of quality, value for money, and desirability. Now you get to the fun part – getting it packaged up and ready for the shelves!

Packaging can make or break a product. It is the first time your potential customer physically ‘greets’ your product, and those first impressions are made in a matter of seconds.

If the packaging does not come up to tangible and aesthetic expectations, then the customer will simply return the product to the shelf (or back to the delivery people) and months and years of your hard work are disregarded.

Don’t skimp on designing bespoke packaging for your product. This final leg towards getting your product to market is probably the most important, so you need to make sure that it absolutely fulfills the brief. Keep in mind the following when working with a packaging company.

List Of Sourcing Product Packaging Properly:

Sourcing Product Packaging

1. Make sure your product is protected

Whether your product is going to be sitting on a supermarket or shop shelf or purchased online and delivered directly to the customer, it needs to arrive in an intact state. Packaging and repacking design needs to take into account the breakability of the product, its size, and any awkward unusual shapes, whether it contains one single item or lots of different parts, and how heavy it weighs.

2. Can the packaging be easily opened?

It’s not often talked about, but if the package is particularly difficult to open, it may put clients off making repeat orders. Just bear this in mind before you go overboard on hyper-secure packaging.

3. Is the packaging environmentally friendly?

It feels almost disingenuous to be highlighting the environment in this day and age, but it is important not just in terms of helping your clients maintain a clean green conscience, it should also be a key factor in your overall brand values. Potential clients often look for this in companies they deal with – and if there is a choice between a company that is openly environmentally friendly, and a second that might or might not be, then that split-second decision is made.

4. Does the packaging draw the eye, or turn it away?

Don’t think that you can whip up a quick design on Canva. If it is sitting on a shelf, you have about two seconds to make an impression on the potential customer. The customer wants to know:

  1. What is the product for?
  2. What’s the brand?

If this knowledge is not imparted during this time, then they are going to pass over yours and move on to another product that does tell them this information.

An aesthetic design is necessary, but it needs to incorporate clarity and simplicity, honesty, authenticity, shelf impact, and practicality.

If you are selling online, you’re your potential customer will not be able to pick up the product and explore it in a more tactile manner. It needs to look as good I two dimensions, as it does in three dimensions.

5. Bespoke packaging is YOUR brand opportunity

Your packaging is an opportunity for you to tell your brand story. Don’t try and introduce new ideas and concepts – this just turns the client away from what they believed they knew and simply confuses them.

6. Don’t over-promise and under-deliver!

There’s nothing worse than building excitement and anticipation about a product, only to open it up and find something small and intensely disappointing inside. This will turn your client away from making any repeat purchases. Don’t forget – good things can come in little packages too. Just make sure this is reflected in the packaging.

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Arnab dey

Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of his contributions at Finance Team

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