How Do You Integrate PayPal Donate Button To Your Website? Easy Steps

November 30, 2023

PayPal Donate Button

Donation is a crucial part of nonprofit organizations and charities. Fundraising is the only way to generate revenue for these institutions that work for different societal and environmental causes. But fundraising is more difficult than it sounds. Thanks to PayPal Donate Button, it is going to be easier (if not smooth sailing) for the fundraisers.

Small nonprofit organizations especially would find the PayPal donate button useful. But how do you add PayPal donate buttons to your website? What benefits are there?

Don’t worry. This article will help you find all the information that you are looking for.

What Is PayPal Donate Button?

What Is PayPal Donate Button

Fundraisers have a useful and cost-effective tool for collecting donations. It is PayPal. Thanks to the PayPal Donate Button, nonprofit organizations can collect donations online at a discount rate.

These organizations depend on different donors who believe in their cause. So, their primary way of revenue generation is through donation, which is made easy via PayPal donate Button.

However, the discount rate is not easily available to all users. PayPal first needs to verify and confirm a charity account as a charity account. As a fundraising organization, you can start by creating a charity bank account.

How Do I Accept Donations With PayPal?

You can create and add a PayPal donation button to the fundraising website. Your visitors can donate just by clicking on the donate button you add to the website.

But, when you create your charity account, you must provide essential information about a charity account. Once the confirmation process is out of the way, you are ready to set up and operate your PayPal Donate feature.

website –

  • Your organization needs to be affiliated with the appropriate regulatory body.
  • You have to act as the representative of the organization.

Also, users must pay a set-up charge and processing fee for the feature on their website.

How Long Does It Take To Set Up PayPal Donate Button?

The PayPal Donate Button is pretty simple to set up. Most importantly, you do not need any coding skills to add it to your website. Their blog provides easy DIY steps to add the PayPal donate Button to your website.

It will only take 15 minutes at best to set up the PayPal Donate Button on your charity website.

PayPal Donate Button Features

Here are some features of the PayPal donate Button –

  • The PayPal Donate button accepts payments from different credit cards, PayPal, and debit cards.
  • Also, fundraisers can choose the type of payment option they want to provide to their donors.
  • Also, donors can donate to different specific donation programs set up by the organizations raising funds.
  • Fundraising organizations can also accept recurring donations.
  • An easy and low-friction donation process is enabled through QR codes, shareable URLs, and more.

There are more features. For example –

  • Customers have the option to donate monthly to your organization.
  • Both the donors and the costumes can control the automatic payments through the respective settings of their profiles. They can change the payment amount or cancel the payment altogether.
  • Also, the button is easily optimized for mobile devices, making it easier for donors and receivers.

How Do I Create A PayPal Donate Button With Text Field?

Sometimes, fundraising organizations are under the legal obligation to collect information about their donors. For example, they may need to collect information such as – name, employer information, address, and such. Users can create their PayPal buttons in a way to collect this information automatically.

However, PayPal does not collect specific information by default, like the employer’s identification and occupation. For this, users have to set up the Button using a text field.

Here are the simple steps for creating a PayPal button on your website –

  1. Launch the PayPal Button Page.
  2. Select the Buy Now button type.
  3. Under Product name, you have to provide information like – the organization’s name, campaign someone is donating to, fund, etc.
  4. Keep the price field blank.
  5. Choose the “add a message” box for custom requests. You can also add a drop-down menu as per your need.
  6. You can choose the name of the areas of the data that you want to collect and name the message box. For example, you may want to collect “Employer” information.
  7. You will see the text field through the Button Field.
  8. Do you want to set up a second text field? In that case, you can repeat the 5th, 6th, and 7th points.
  9. You have to deselect the Save Button at PayPal. It should be under the Optional Tracking option.
  10. Now select the Save & Create Button.
  11. This will show the HTML code for the Button.
  12. Deselect Code Protection.
  13. Now select and copy the code and paste it into a text editor of your choice.
  14. Look for _xclick. Then change it to _donations.
  15. Next, look for btn_buynowCC_LG.gif; now change it to btn_donateCC_LG.gif.
  16. Now, copy your modified code to your website.

Add PayPal Donate Button Using Donate SDK

You can make the donate Button in a pop-up overlay on the website. This will help the users stay on the website instead of being redirected to a payment page. You can check your eligibility through the

Here is how you will create a donate button on PayPal –

  1. First, you have to log in to –
  2. Now you can make your donate Button.
  3. Once you are done, you get a code. You have to copy the following from the code –
    • 1. Copy Hosted_button_id for the business account.
    • 2. Copy business value if you have a personal account.

You need this parameter to pass it to the SDK. The donate SDK accepts parameters like item_name or item_number.

Add Donate SDK To Web Page

Add your Donate Javascript SDK to the web page. This will help you integrate your Donate button into the website.

Render The Donate Button

Now, you have to render the donate Button to one of the container elements on the webpage.


Next, you have to test the Donate Button.

Go Live

Once testing is done, you can go live with the SDK Donate Button.

Bottom Line

All small organizations dreaming of a seamless and easy connection with their donors can use the PayPal Donate Button. Raising funds becomes much easier and simpler once you do it online. If you were looking for steps to integrate the Button into your charity account and website, hopefully, this article should help. However, if you need further help, please do not hesitate to let us know through the comments. Thank you.

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Shahnawaz Alam

Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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