How to Get a Cheap Divorce?

June 13, 2024

Cheap Divorce

Are you searching for ways on ‘how to get a cheap divorce?’ Then, you might find this article useful as we shared eight cost-affecting divorce options for you. It’s common knowledge now that divorce takes both time and money. 

Since time is equal to money these days, we really don’t have much time to waste. So, let’s get directly into what are the eight cheap divorce options for you in this article.

8 Cheap Divorce Options For Easy Divorce

Cheap Divorce Options For Easy Divorce

Here, you will find eight cheap divorce options that will help you avoid financial burdens during the divorce process.

Research and Use Online Divorce Services

To optimize the advantages of utilizing online divorce services, it’s advisable to conduct a thorough comparison of available options accessible via the cost of divorce in San Diego

You can take careful note of the pricing structures each platform offers. Some websites might offer you flat fees for comprehensive packages. While others might adopt incremental charges based on the intricacy of your circumstances. 

Evaluate the scope of support provided — certain services extend attorney consultations or customer assistance via phone or email, which can prove invaluable in addressing personalized concerns or navigating complications that may arise during proceedings. 

It’s important to recognize that while online services can substantially diminish costs and simplify paperwork, their efficacy is most pronounced in uncontested cases where mutual agreement exists on pivotal matters such as property division, spousal support, and child custody. 

Nevertheless, for more intricate scenarios involving disputes, consulting with a legal professional may still be necessary to ensure adequate protection of your interests.

File for an Uncontested Divorce

Subsequently, thoroughly complete these documents with precise information to avoid delays. Accuracy here is crucial as errors can prolong the process. 

If there’s uncertainty about how to proceed with filling out the forms or interpreting legal requirements, consider consulting a legal document assistant (LDA) specialized in family law. 

LDAs can provide guidance at a fraction of the cost associated with hiring a divorce attorney and are well-versed in California’s legal formalities surrounding uncontested divorces. They cannot offer legal advice but can be instrumental in ensuring that paperwork is correctly completed and filed.

After preparing your documents, file them with the county court where either you or your spouse resides. There will be a filing fee, which varies by county; however, individuals experiencing financial hardship may qualify for a fee waiver. 

Upon filing, you must serve your spouse with the divorce papers according to California law — this step formally notified them of the divorce action, even in an uncontested scenario. 

Utilizing online resources or county clerk assistance can simplify understanding these procedural requirements. Remember, patience and attention to detail during this phase lay a smooth pathway toward finalizing your uncontested divorce efficiently.

Utilize the San Diego Family Law Facilitator’s Office

If you are pursuing an uncontested divorce, then opting for the Family Law Facilitator’s Office is beneficial for you. In fact, if you are pursuing any straightforward cases that do not involve any complex assets or custody disputes, then this office is the best option for you.

Here, your facilitators will help you with paperworks from filling out to submission. This reduces delays and potential errors in your paperworks and costs related to these errors.

It’s natural to search for cheap divorce options, with the average cost of divorce in California being so high. So, you can take advantage of these no-cost services that can help you manage your overall expenses during the process. 

You can stay updated about any changes in family law that can affect your case through the help of facilitators. This will ensure you are always working with all updated information.

If you are seeking guidance for yourself, then you might prepare in advance before visiting the Family Law Facilitator’s Office. Gather all necessary documentation related to your marriage and assets, and come up with specific questions to maximize the efficiency of your visit. 

Take note that while facilitators will offer you tremendous support in your legal case, that cannot be substituted with legal advice from a licensed attorney.  This is because a legal attorney prepares their cases based on their clients’ unique situations. 

So, for those navigating the initial stages of divorce or straightforward divorce cases, their services can streamline the process. It will also help your divorce in a cost-effective way.

Opt for Mediation Instead of Court Litigation

If children are involved in your divorce, then mediation is the best way to proceed. Since your children are dependent on you and your partner, they are greatly affected when divorce happens. 

Through mediation, you can emphasize cooperation and communication to preserve a functional relationship between spouses post-divorce.

You can reduce the adversarial nature of traditional divorce proceedings through mediation. Thus, lower your emotional stress and financial expenses associated with drawn-out court battles. This can be a cheap divorce route for you.

If you are considering this route of action, you might want to research for qualified mediators who specialize in family law within San Diego County. The initial cost of a mediator might seem a lot, but in the long term, you get a quick resolution. 

As you know, time is money. When the resolution is quick, you don’t have to keep on spending money on your litigation process.

File for an Uncontested Divorce

Subsequently, thoroughly complete these documents with precise information to avoid delays. Accuracy here is crucial as errors can prolong the process. 

If there’s uncertainty about how to proceed with filling out the forms or interpreting legal requirements, consider consulting a legal document assistant (LDA) specialized in family law. 

LDAs can provide guidance at a fraction of the cost associated with hiring a divorce attorney and are well-versed in California’s legal formalities surrounding uncontested divorces. They cannot offer legal advice but can be instrumental in ensuring that paperwork is correctly completed and filed.

After preparing your documents, file them with the county court where either you or your spouse resides. There will be a filing fee, which varies by county; however, individuals experiencing financial hardship may qualify for a fee waiver. 

Upon filing, you must serve your spouse with the divorce papers according to California law — this step formally notified them of the divorce action, even in an uncontested scenario. 

Utilizing online resources or county clerk assistance can simplify understanding these procedural requirements. Remember, patience and attention to detail during this phase lay a smooth pathway toward finalizing your uncontested divorce efficiently.

Utilize the San Diego Family Law Facilitator’s Office

If you are pursuing an uncontested divorce, then opting for the Family Law Facilitator’s Office is beneficial for you. In fact, if you are pursuing any straightforward cases that do not involve any complex assets or custody disputes, then this office is the best option for you.

Here, your facilitators will help you with paperworks from filling out to submission. This reduces delays and potential errors in your paperworks and costs related to these errors.

It’s natural to search for cheap divorce options, with the average cost of divorce in California being so high. So, you can take advantage of these no-cost services that can help you manage your overall expenses during the process. 

You can stay updated about any changes in family law that can affect your case through the help of facilitators. This will ensure you are always working with all updated information.

If you are seeking guidance for yourself, then you might prepare in advance before visiting the Family Law Facilitator’s Office. Gather all necessary documentation related to your marriage and assets, and come up with specific questions to maximize the efficiency of your visit. 

Take note that while facilitators will offer you tremendous support in your legal case, that cannot be substituted with legal advice from a licensed attorney.  This is because a legal attorney prepares their cases based on their clients’ unique situations. 

So, for those navigating the initial stages of divorce or straightforward divorce cases, their services can streamline the process. It will also help your divorce in a cost-effective way.

Opt for Mediation Instead of Court Litigation

If children are involved in your divorce, then mediation is the best way to proceed. Since your children are dependent on you and your partner, they are greatly affected when divorce happens. 

Through mediation, you can emphasize cooperation and communication to preserve a functional relationship between spouses post-divorce.

You can reduce the adversarial nature of traditional divorce proceedings through mediation. Thus, lower your emotional stress and financial expenses associated with drawn-out court battles. This can be a cheap divorce route for you.

If you are considering this route of action, you might want to research for qualified mediators who specialize in family law within San Diego County. The initial cost of a mediator might seem a lot, but in the long term, you get a quick resolution. 

As you know, time is money. When the resolution is quick, you don’t have to keep on spending money on your litigation process.

If you are looking for ways to get a cheap divorce, then seek out low-cost legal aid services. When you are leveraging free or low-cost legal aid services, you must be proactive in gathering all necessary documentation related to your divorce.

You must gather information like financial records, marriage certificates, and any prior legal agreements between you and your spouse. When you are well-prepared with your documents and case, it makes it easier for your legal aid attorney to work. 

You can also make the most of the legal assistance given to you when you are not busy searching for the documents. Through these services, you get to empower yourself with knowledge of divorce proceedings and laws while getting support for your divorce. This way, you can make informed decisions in your divorce proceedings.

You can navigate your divorce case more confidently and with greater understanding when you take advantage of such resources. This potentially helps reduce your stress and financial strain during this challenging time. This is how you get a cheap divorce. 

Prepare Your Divorce Papers Without an Attorney

Another way on how to get a cheap divorce is to not opt for an attorney when filing your divorce papers. You can leverage available resources designed to assist anyone navigating this process independently. 

Utilize online tutorials or books tailored to California divorce law, and community legal clinics for valuable guidance. When you are preparing for your paperwork, pay close attention to detail. Try double-checking all entries for accuracy in your paperwork, this ensures chances of errors.

You can even utilize online divorce services for your document preparation. These online services offer customized forms based on your specific answers to straightforward questions about your situation. 

You can use various support systems to help you in your challenging time while keeping costs manageable. So, even without an attorney, you can face the filing of divorce paperwork.

Apply for a Fee Waiver in the San Diego Court System

Once the form is completed, it must be submitted to the court clerk at the time of filing your divorce paperwork. The court will review your application and make a determination based on state guidelines that consider income, household size, and necessary living expenses.

It’s important to note that receiving a fee waiver may not cover all costs associated with your divorce proceedings; for example, you might still be responsible for paying for copies of documents or publication fees if your spouse cannot be located.

If your request for a fee waiver is denied, you have the option to request a hearing where you can present additional evidence of your financial situation. Preparing for this hearing involves gathering recent pay stubs, tax returns, and any other documentation that supports your claim of financial hardship.

Being proactive and informed throughout this process can alleviate some of the financial strain associated with obtaining a divorce in San Diego.

Consider a Summary Dissolution if You Qualify

For those who can navigate their separation under these conditions, a Summary Dissolution can streamline the divorce process significantly. It requires both parties to file a joint petition with the court, simplifying proceedings and reducing court appearances.

This method eliminates much of the complexity and potential conflict inherent in more traditional divorce paths, offering a straightforward route toward dissolving a marriage. 

Before proceeding with this option, ensure all criteria are thoroughly reviewed and understood, as this ensures that the process moves forward without unnecessary obstacles or misunderstandings.


Nothing is free, but there is always a way to get something at a lower price in this world. So you can try any of these eight cheap divorce options to reduce the pressure on your finances and yourself. This way, you can save not only your money but also your time.

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Mony Shah

With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on finance, insurance and lifestyle niches.

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